Kupat Tahu Campur Ungaran.

Kupat Tahu Campur Ungaran You can cook Kupat Tahu Campur Ungaran using 22 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Kupat Tahu Campur Ungaran

  1. It's of Ketupat / Lontong.
  2. You need of Tauge.
  3. You need of Kol Putih iris tipis.
  4. It's of Seledri iris tipis.
  5. Prepare of Tahu Putih (digoreng) potong2.
  6. Prepare of Bakwan sayur potong2.
  7. Prepare of Tempe (digoreng) potong2.
  8. Prepare of Kecap.
  9. You need of Kacang Tanah goreng (tumbuk kasar).
  10. It's of Petis Udang.
  11. Prepare of Cabe Rawit Merah.
  12. You need of Bawang Putih.
  13. Prepare of Bahan kuah.
  14. Prepare of Air.
  15. It's of Gula Merah.
  16. It's of Gula Pasir.
  17. Prepare of Serai.
  18. You need of Lengkuas.
  19. Prepare of Daun Salam.
  20. It's secukupnya of Garam.
  21. You need secukupnya of Penyedap.
  22. Prepare secukupnya of Merica.

Kupat Tahu Campur Ungaran instructions

  1. Rebus bahan kuah.
  2. Siapkan piring ; haluskan cabe dan bawang putih, beri 1sdt petis.
  3. Tata ketupat, tahu, tempe, bakwan,kacang tumbuk, kol, taoge, seledri, bawang merah goreng.
  4. Siap disajikan dengan kuah panas.

How to Prepare Perfect Kupat Tahu Campur Ungaran

Kupat Tahu Campur Ungaran.

Kupat Tahu Campur Ungaran You can cook Kupat Tahu Campur Ungaran using 22 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Kupat Tahu Campur Ungaran

  1. It's of Ketupat / Lontong.
  2. You need of Tauge.
  3. You need of Kol Putih iris tipis.
  4. It's of Seledri iris tipis.
  5. Prepare of Tahu Putih (digoreng) potong2.
  6. Prepare of Bakwan sayur potong2.
  7. Prepare of Tempe (digoreng) potong2.
  8. Prepare of Kecap.
  9. You need of Kacang Tanah goreng (tumbuk kasar).
  10. It's of Petis Udang.
  11. Prepare of Cabe Rawit Merah.
  12. You need of Bawang Putih.
  13. Prepare of Bahan kuah.
  14. Prepare of Air.
  15. It's of Gula Merah.
  16. It's of Gula Pasir.
  17. Prepare of Serai.
  18. You need of Lengkuas.
  19. Prepare of Daun Salam.
  20. It's secukupnya of Garam.
  21. You need secukupnya of Penyedap.
  22. Prepare secukupnya of Merica.

Kupat Tahu Campur Ungaran instructions

  1. Rebus bahan kuah.
  2. Siapkan piring ; haluskan cabe dan bawang putih, beri 1sdt petis.
  3. Tata ketupat, tahu, tempe, bakwan,kacang tumbuk, kol, taoge, seledri, bawang merah goreng.
  4. Siap disajikan dengan kuah panas.

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